Rest area and viewpoint Ropeid

GPS, Ropeid:
59.485199, 6.21294
Wheelchair accessible.
The toilet facilities are open all year round. Emptying toilets from motorhomes and caravans is not permitted.
Ropeid is a peninsula in Suldal municipality in Rogaland.
Ropeid is a peninsula in Suldal municipality in Rogaland. On the peninsula there are situated several smaller hamlets as well as a quay for express boats which brings travellers to Sauda and Stavanger. The building has large glass panes that make for close contact with both the fjord and the mountainside.
Map of the route
Closed for the winter
- Closed:
- Estimated open:

Photo: Fredrik Fløgstad, Statens vegvesen

Photo: Vegar Moen

Photo: Frid-Jorunn Stabell, Statens vegvesen