Rest area and viewpoint Gimsøystraumen

GPS, Gimsøystraumen:
68.26079972, 14.26994498
Wheelchair accessible.
The toilet facilities are open all year round. Emptying toilets from motorhomes and caravans is not permitted.
Gimsøystruamen is an 18-kilometre long sound between the island of Vestvågøy and Vågan.
Gimsøystruamen is an 18-kilometre long sound between the island of Vestvågøy and Vågan. Next to the bridge that connects the islands is a community centre with a car park and a rest area. The building is shaped like a large rock reminiscent of ice-age boulders.
Map of the route
Closed for the winter
- Closed:
- Estimated open:

Photo: Helge Stikbakke, Statens vegvesen

Photo: Hilde M Strangstadstuen, Statens vegvesen

Photo: Jarle Wæhler, Statens vegvesen