Låtefoss is a popular tourist attraction. Photo: Statens vegvesen

There are significant traffic challenges in Oddadalen and at Låtefoss, on the Norwegian Scenic Route Hardanger. The problems are most severe at the landmark Låtefoss, where dangerous traffic situations arise multiple times a day on the narrow road.

"We can't do much about the road width in this area, but we urge people to practice good traffic behavior," says acting department director Henny-Kristin Asperanden Navarsete of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA) and police chief Øystein Torsnes in Hardanger.

Dangerous traffic situations.
At Låtefoss, there is illegal parking on the road. Photo: Statens vegvesen

The summer season brings much more traffic than usual, including motorhomes. There have been long queues and traffic congestion. Illegal parking on the road and people walking onto the bridge to take photos without considering traffic safety are common issues.

"We understand that many want to experience the beautiful waterfall up close, but the message from the NPRA and the police is clear," say Navarsete and Torsnes.

"It is both forbidden and dangerous to park on the roadway. Emergency services, commercial transport, and others depend on the road being clear. Parked cars on the roadway reduce accessibility and create visual obstructions that can lead to dangerous situations," they emphasize.

Dangerous traffic situations.
Dangerous traffic situations often occur at Låtefoss. Photo: Statens vegvesen

"Think about traffic safety, whether you're a driver or a pedestrian. Do not walk onto the bridge at Låtefoss to take pictures if it's not safe. And be aware that the sound of the waterfall makes it hard to hear traffic," they add seriously.

Here's what's being done now:

• The festival summer isn't over, so traffic challenges in Hardanger will persist for a few more weeks.
• The Norwegian Public Roads Administration will have traffic controllers working at Låtefoss. Respect their work and follow their instructions.
• The NPRA is informing drivers via relevant digital road signs and digital channels.